Install MIDI USB drivers for FSI-1 (Windows)

In order to use the FSI-1’s MIDI USB connection with a Windows computer you will first need to install the necessary drivers by running a Windows installer program. Mac users do not need to install drivers.

First, download the file and unzip it. The contents of the folder will appear as below.

  • x64
  • x86
  • setup.cmd

The x64 folder contains the installer program (Setup.exe) for 64-bit operating systems while the x86 folder contains the installer program (Setup.exe) for 32-bit operating systems.

If you are not sure what type of operating system is running on your computer click the Windows start button and navigate to the ‘System’ page which will specify the system type as either ‘64-bit Operating System’ or ‘32-bit Operating System’.

When you know what type of operating system you are running open the appropriate folder, either x64 (64-bit) or x86 (32-bit) and run the Setup.exe installer program contained within the relevant folder. For example, a 64-bit OS user will select the file as below.

  • x64
    • Images
    • ptmidi02.inf
    • ptmidi02.sys
    • Setup.exe
    • Setup.ini
    • SetupMain.ini
  • x86
  • setup.cmd

Now simply follow the prompts to install the drivers. When you are prompted with ‘Please plug your USB audio device now to the computer if it’s not already connected…’, connect the FSI-1 to the computer and turn the FSI-1 power on. Note that you do not need to have the bass plugged into the FSI-1 to go through this process. When the installation is complete the installer program will say that completion is successful.

Last updated 27 Jan, 2020
